Today while trying to take snapshot of one the VM, end up with
following error,
“The operation is not allowed in current state”
Then I tried to vMotion the VM to any other host but no luck, same was true for any other task however I didn’t see any issue with other VMs on this host.
I had seen such errors earlier and most of the time such error occur because either the ESXi host or a virtual machine is in an unexpected state and to work around this, we just need to restart the host management agents.
Note: Before restarting the host management agents, make
sure no Virtual machine is configured to poweron/off with host otherwise it may
To restart the VMware host management agent, connect to host
over ssh using putty and run following commands,
/etc/init.d/hostd restart
/etc/init.d/vpxa restart
Reference: Related VMware kb# 1003829
That’s it… J
It will be etc instead of ect... Obviously a typo :)