In this post I would list
some of the useful PowerCLI one liner scripts that I use time to time... some
scripts are taken from other blogs so the credit of those scripts goes to their
respective authors...
Open the PowerCLI and connect to vCenter server using Connect-VIServer cmdlet, then
Get VMs with connected VLAN and other details,
To create table with renamed property name, use @{Name="New_Name";Expression={$_.Old_Name}}
Like in above script,
To list all harddisks of a VM with size,
And if you want to export this to a CSV file then,
We can't export output of Format-Table cmdlet to CSV file so we need to use Select-Object instead.
Add PortGroup to all hosts in cluster with PowerCLI
Check Multi-path policy/configuration of connected storage,
To get list of VMs with snapshot,
List of VMs having snapshot older than 3 days,
To remove snapshot older than 3 days,
To list time on all VMhosts,
To find a list of VMs having sync time with host option selected,
That's it for now... Over time I would add more scripts here... :)
Open the PowerCLI and connect to vCenter server using Connect-VIServer cmdlet, then
Get VMs with connected VLAN and other details,
Get-Cluster "clustername" | get-vmhost "hostname" | get-vm | Get-NetworkAdapter | Format-Table parent, networkname, type, MACaddress
To create table with renamed property name, use @{Name="New_Name";Expression={$_.Old_Name}}
Like in above script,
Get-Cluster "clustername" | get-vmhost "hostname" | get-vm | Get-NetworkAdapter | Format-Table @{Name="VirtualMachine";Expression={$_.parent}}, @{Name="VLAN";Expression={$_.networkname}}
To list all harddisks of a VM with size,
Get-VM VM01 | Get-HardDisk | ft Parent, Name, Filename, CapacityKB –AutoSize
And if you want to export this to a CSV file then,
Get-VM VM01 | Get-HardDisk | Select Parent, Name, Filename, CapacityKB | Export-csv C:\file.csv
We can't export output of Format-Table cmdlet to CSV file so we need to use Select-Object instead.
Add PortGroup to all hosts in cluster with PowerCLI
Get-Cluster “clustername” | Get-VMHost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name “vSwitch_name″ | New-VirtualPortGroup -Name “VLAN-xx” -VLanId xx
Check Multi-path policy/configuration of connected storage,
Get-VMHost | Get-ScsiLun | Select VMHost, ConsoleDeviceName, Vendor, MultipathPolicy, LunType
To get list of VMs with snapshot,
Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Select VM,Name,Created,sizemb
List of VMs having snapshot older than 3 days,
Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Select VM,Name,Created,sizemb | Where {$_.Created -lt ((Get-Date).AddDays(-2))}
To remove snapshot older than 3 days,
Get-Snapshot | Select VM,Name,Created,sizemb | Where {$_.Created -lt ((Get-Date).AddDays(-2))} | Remove-Snapshot
To list time on all VMhosts,
Get-VMHost | sort Name | select Name,@{Name="Current VMHost Time";Expression={(Get-View $_.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DateTimeSystem).QueryDateTime()}}
To find a list of VMs having sync time with host option selected,
Get-View -viewtype virtualmachine -Filter @{'Config.Tools.SyncTimeWithHost'='True'} | select name
That's it for now... Over time I would add more scripts here... :)
Very useful - thank you