Sunday, May 1, 2016

How to view more/old vCenter "Task & Events"

As most of us would be aware, by default one would see only 100 entries in vCenter Task & Events and sometimes while troubleshooting an issue that is not enough and you want to see previous/more events to find the time of issue.
There is another situation where you are looking into an issue in vCenter and the time the issue happened has just dropped off of the bottom of the Tasks or Events lists?

Well we can change the number of task & events to displayed using vSphare client, to do so,

First connect to vCenter or a host using vSphere Client => Client Settings

On this windows, Click on Lists Tab, here is the Setting we are looking at is the Page Size,

Now increase the value of Page Size from default value 100 to any value for example 1000 and you are done and can see more entries in Task & Events.

The actual Task & Event data to be displayed is depend on the vCenter Database retention policy and it is set to 180 days by default and can be chages to desiresd value in days. In case you are changing it ,then bear in mind the fact it would increase or decrease the size of vCenter database accordingly. 
To change the vCenter database retention policy, 
In vSphere client, Go to vCenter Home => Select vCenter Settings => Now click on Database retention policy

From here you can increase or decrease the same.

Related useful kb# 2110031

That’s it… J


  1. Thank you bro sharing the great information

  2. Beat to show how to in a web client since vSphere client will be gone soon and limited function as of today.

    1. most of the VMware admins are still using #c client for their day to day work but yes eventually there would be only Web client so its better to adopt it soon...and yes now its much better then earlier
